Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Answer to Fatigue

I've taken a break.
I'm pulling back.

No school, no groups, no appointments (unless it's the dentist), no committments, no responsibility (other than God given ones).

It's been a week of this and it's been great.

How's school Paul?
Great, I stopped taking classes:)
Yeah I'm taking break.
Good for you.

See, affirmation.

I feel free to say no to outings as well.

Paul, let's go out to eat with the can pay.
No thanks. feels so good.

I read a recent article that said if you take a vacation and dread going back to work (more like have suicidal thoughts at the prospect) then you should think about moving on or applying for another position. If you take the vacation and you feel recharged then you are good to go.
That's what I'm doing... taking a little vacation. Six credit hours of school, 40 + hrs a week of work, church, and trying to have something that resembles a social life is taxing. I needed a change.

So here I am. Reading the books I want, hanging out when I want, and actually enjoying life.

I hope everyone gets a chance to feel like I do right now.

This is what I did this past weekend to help.