I'm Tired
Yeah that's right,
I'm tired all the time.
It doesn't matter how much rest I get, I cannot satiate my exhaustion.
For a while I thought I was depressed. Now I'm not so sure.
I'm not sad, nor am I upset. I have a pretty good life.
I thought it might be boredom, which is still a good possibility, but I have things to do all the time. (I just don't want to do them)
My friend Keith suggested that I take a break. With work, school, church, and socializing I'm a busy guy. My brain has to work all the time whether in conversation or in study mode. It's constantly working even when I don't want it to.
This last possibility may be the right one. I'm overloaded!
Am I the only one....and since I'm not how does everyone else deal with it?