Beyond All Logic
I just want to take a moment to encourage you all to pray for our brothers and sisters in countries that are predominantly Muslim. The anger over the Danish caricatures of Muhammad have turned into excuses for Muslims to attack and kill Christians as well as burn down their churches. I just recently read an article and it stated that 3 Christian churches in Nigeria have been burned down and at least 15 people killed. THIS IS RIDICULOUS.
It is the most blatant display of irrational behavior I can ever remember encountering.
Will someone please tell how these Danish cartoons turned into reasons to attack innocent Christians?
I'm sorry but it makes the Islamic nation look pathetic and absurd and I hope that those looking to become followers would be turned off by the nonsensical, poorly aimed reaction. If Christianity or America (not that I'm saying they are the same thing by any means) responded in the same way, then we would have blown up or killed Muslims for burning the American flag or in the Christian's case, putting the crucifix in a bottle of pee.
I can understand, from a religious perspective, getting upset and protesting the cartoons...but how does it all translate into violence and the death of innocent Christians? That is just flat out B.S. (and I'm not talking about the degree) In addition, we are not solely talking about militant groups here. This is a much broader scale of the Muslim population.
It is so poor on every level and unfortunately reveals a lot about humanity and certain Muslims particularly. I will refrain from including all Muslims because there are good people...but there are evil ones as will. (Christians have had there share of atrocities as well)
At any rate, the point here is to compel you to pray for those that are being persecuted and or attacked. Please pray.