Thursday, October 27, 2005

Rwanda Journal Day 2

Sorry. It's all over the place. This covers the end of the flight to England, the trip to London, and the flight to Kenya.

(We're flying to England)

This is actually a bleed over start. We are still flying. I've switched to pen to see if I can't scratch this thing down.
Missed it...went to London...I wish I wasn't as tired as I was. I might have enjoyed it. I found it interesting that everyone (Londoners) was doing their best to be super trendy. The disease was everywhere and people were checking us out like we were from another country. Imagine that. Maybe I'll save some space if I can remember.
The flight was strange. We were all so tired that we couldn't even think. I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself watching Electra. It was actually pretty good.
Apparently we left just in time since Heathrow (sp?) was in disarray due to the strike. I saw more people crying there than at any funeral I've been too.
I gave Liz the window seat on the way over. It was a good sacrifice. I was just happy to have good company. (not that anyone else would have been bad company)
Joanella tried to throw Tylenol pm to me and wound up misfiring and striking the passengers in front of me in the face.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Rwanda Journal Part 2 Day 1

A little short today, but I felt I had to write something.

On the plane,

The excitement of the travelers is encouraging. It was described by Jeannie as Christmas Eve but better.
Dan (my pastor) handed me an e-mail that informed us of some of the things that are expected. Of course, speaking in front of several groups of people was a part of the agenda. testimony, preaching, teaching, the usual..
I'm not nervous yet but I may be. Hopefully I'm not. I'm halfway expecting some sort of next level from myself. It may involve tears but that may be good as well. God has certainly prepared me for those.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Noah's Burdensome Prayer

My good friend and mentor Keith is the proud father of a two year old boy named Noah.
Noah isn't like most kids his age. He's special...not in the short bus way but the Doogie Howser way.
This little fact was exemplified when young Noah approached his father with an innocent question. "Why do I have to go to school" he asked. Keith in his wisdom responded "so that you won't be a burden on society my son." "Burden" Noah curiously asked back. " "That means that you can be responsible for yourself and get a job and have your own family one day and that people don't have to take care of you."
Noah, satisfied with the explanation, continued with his routine that night by taking a bath and then saying his prayers before falling asleep. Starting with dear God, he prayed for the usual suspects (which often include me) and he finished with the following: "and help me to do good in school tomorrow so I won't be a burden on society.(he's 2 remember)" His father sat there and held it in but his mother couldn't quite make it and had to leave the room. I laughed long and hard when I heard the story the following day.
Children are amazing and such a gift from the Maker. Thanks for making me laugh Noah.